Options for Beginners With a No. 1 Stock Picker
May 11, 2024 (Sat)
11-7 ET (8-4 PT)
*This class makes more sense and works better after you have attended two Investor Educational Retreats and the Stock Master Class.
Did you know that the spectacular gains of the S&P500 in 2023 (26%!) were concentrated in the Magnificent 7 (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia & Tesla)? The Magnificent 7 averaged 104.7% each in returns. Without them, the 2023 return of the S&P500 was just 9.94%. 30% of the Dow components (10) actually lost money. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lagged the race, with 13.9% gains, while the technology-rich NASDAQ Composite Index rocketed up an impressive 43.4%.
Natalie Pace has been ranked a No. 1 stock picker, above over 835 A-list pundits. Learn how to add performance to our portfolio, and also how to avoid companies that are in trouble. Options allow us to invest a much smaller amount, with an outsized gain -- if we're right. We have a greater chance of being right, and of purchasing an option that affords us the right amount of time, if we know how to pick winners and losers, and have mastered at least the basics of options trading.
When we invest on headlines, we're always late. When we learn to read the data, it's like looking into a crystal ball -- particularly when you learn how to create a Stock Report Card, Ask the 4 Questions for Picking a Leader and apply the 3-Ingredient Recipe for Cooking Up Investment Profits. Once you have your winner, the option can help us to double or triple our gains -- if we're right.
Call 310-430-2397 or email [email protected] to learn more and register now!
If you read the headlines, you're always late. Charts stop working the minute the markets shift direction, which happens quite abruptly and frequently in today's world.
Many people make the mistake of using options as insurance, or setting stop loss limits. So, what other common mistakes are you still hanging on to? Don't let the title of this course fool you. While Natalie Pace calls this is a beginner class, what you learn are strategies used by the experts.
When you learn to read the data, that's like looking into a crystal ball -- something you learn at the Stock Master Class. You can then leverage that wisdom with less money and exponentially higher and faster gains, using options. Learn the risks and rewards of this next-level of investing for experienced investors.
Options for Beginners Class Agenda.
Options can be a great way to amass gains quite quickly, if you know what you’re doing. They can also be a heartbreaking way to lose the farm, if you’re using red light/green light software, or the system of some guru you learned about through a friend, email or ad.
- Should you swim with the tide or run in the opposite direction?
- Don’t Fight the Fed is a general rule. When do you break it?
- How to avoid being too late, or too early, on your position.
- Learn what the number 1 most important consideration is for investing in options.
- What is an expiration risk? What is a liquidity risk?
- How do you pick the right target price?
- How long should your position be open?
- Should you use limit or market orders?
- Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered.
- How do you stay on the “right side of the trade”?
- Natural disasters. Plagues. Pandemics.
- How do $25 avocados play into the math?
- What will be the biggest loser in 2021?
- What trends are emerging for a post-pandemic world?
- Options: an easy A in life math or a risky play for your Vegas money?
- Should you play options with your nest egg?
- How to peak into tomorrow’s market open.
- Discover vital data that most investors never even consider (and have difficulty locating).
Call 310-430-2397 or email [email protected] to learn more and register now!
This class will be online, giving you intimate access to Natalie Pace. Call 310-430-2397 or email [email protected] to register NOW.
Early Bird Pricing (through Jan. 31, 2024)
$250/person per additional person in the family.
Regular Pricing (after Jan. 31, 2024)
$350/person per additional person in the family.
Call 310-430-2397 or email [email protected] to enroll now.
Get the best price when you register by Jan. 31, 2024.
Call 310-430-2397 or email [email protected] to learn more and register now!
“I will be in this program forever. Thanks to Natalie, I can take a year off from life and simply connect to my life mission. Without income from my stock investments, I wouldn't be able to do this. You guys are changing lives. Thank you for your valuable work!!!”
Thanks to Natalie Pace, I was up 48% after only a few months!
“Since I met Natalie last Oct., at a work event, I've had a staggering year, averaging up to 90% gains. Thank you and best wishes to you and your staff.”
Investment Consultant (male) for a major brokerage
"I have made enough money my fist week to pay for my trip, Thanks!"
"Many people, including educated men and women, often get into trouble when they
neglect to follow simple and fundamental rules of the type provided [by Natalie].
This is why I recommend them with enthusiasm."
Professor Gary S. Becker. Dr. Becker won the 1992 Nobel Prize in economics for his theories on human
"College students need this information before they get their first credit card. Young adults need it before they buy their first home. Empty nesters can use the information to downsize to a sustainable lifestyle, before they get into trouble."
Joe Moglia, Chairman, TD AMERITRADE.
“The only time in history going back to 1881 when [stock prices] have been higher are, A: 1929 and B: 2000. We are at a high level, and its concerning. People should be cautious now.” Robert Shiller, Nobel Prize winning economist and Yale professor of economics
Call 310-430-2397 or email [email protected] to learn more and to register now.
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