Are You Gambling With Your Future? My question to you is this. Are you gambling on your future, without even knowing it? Here are just a few of the concerns that I have. *Congress is not taking the Debt Ceiling seriously enough. They’ve been warned to raise it before July 31, 2017. However, internal documents show that they believe they can wait until Sept. 30, 2017. If they cut it too close, we risk getting a credit downgrade from Fitch Ratings and Moody’s. The last time that the U.S. received a credit downgrade, on August 5, 2011, stocks sank and gold soared. *The Feds are de-levering. The Smart Money always moves first. *We are in a Bubble economy. Buy and Forget About It doesn’t work, and hasn’t worked since 1999. *Wages have stagnated for three decades, while expenses have tripled or quadrupled (or more) in the basics of housing, insurance, transportation and food. Life doesn’t add up. *The public debt is expected to soar to $30 trillion in the next decade. It’s at $20 trillion currently. *Housing costs and consumer debt levels are higher than they were before the Great Recession. *The total debt and loans in the U.S. exceed $66 trillion. *Social Security went cash negative in 2010 (5 years early). Disability dried up completely in 2016, and is currently borrowing from Social Security. Social Security accounts for 28% of the public debt and is one of the reasons why the debt is ballooning. *Financial engineering has been keeping stocks artificially high, and making them look like a better buy than they really are. However, the funds for that ruse are becoming more expensive, and reversed the trend starting in 2015. *”Income-producing” retirement plans designed by broker-salesmen are actually losing money, due to high fees, in an up market! Imagine how poorly these plans will perform in a downturn. *Financial predators and scams are proliferating and preying on everyone’s fear and anxiety. Worry and doubt are warranted, but require a real cure, not snake oil. These scams include Gold IRAs, Bitcoin clubs and penny pot stocks, most of which are being run out of "offices" with PO Box addresses by people with a history of predatory practices. *The financial experts predict that the U.S. will have GDP growth of 1.9-2.2% over the next 3 years, while the politicians are basing their plans on 3% growth. *REITs and annuities pay very high commissions and are being sold like hot cakes without the buyer truly understanding the risks of these products. Yup. That’s right, you just read a dozen concerns. (There are many highlighted links in the list above, where I offer even more details on the issues.) And I could continue, until you passed out from boredom and exasperation. But rather, I’m going to give you the important information about how you can protect yourself. You don’t need to know anything about the above list to protect what you have, adopt a safe plan for your nest egg and even start saving thousands of dollars in your annual budget. It’s The ABCs of Money that we all should have received in high school, and it is easy as a pie chart. I know you have heard phrases like this bantered about by other people, but there is a simple difference. The systems and strategies that I developed in 1999 have a Ph.D. in results. They worked fantastically in two of the worst recessions the U.S. has ever experienced (The Dot Com and The Great Recessions), at a time when almost nothing else has worked. The Easy-as-a-Pie-Chart Nest Egg Strategies and Thrive Budget have proven right on the money, time and again, for two decades now. The last time I wrote a blog with this much alarming language in it was December 23, 2007 – right before the Great Recession. If you heeded that warning (as many did), then you earned gains in the Great Recession. If you did not, chances are that you lost more than half of your nest egg. Over seven million people lost their homes in the Great Recession. Incidentally, I began sounding the alarms on the real estate bubble in April of 2005 – in plenty of time for my readers to have avoided that problem. You know that I am optimistic and a fundamentally happy person. When I turn serious on you, you should take it as a call to action to learn and adopt the systems that you need to protect yourself now. I do not put myself on the line and make claims idly. It may sound like a brash statement, but it is a true and provable one nonetheless. I began talking like this in Christmas of 1999, just a few months before the Dot Com recession, in April of 2005 before the real estate bubble burst and then again in December of 2007, before the Great Recession. No one wanted to hear about it then either. Here is a mental test. Did you lose more than 25% in any or all of those downturns? If so, once again, you might be on the wrong side of a bubble that is ready to burst. The problem is that this time it is even more difficult to get safe because so much of the “safe” investments are now very vulnerable, including bonds, bond funds and money market funds. Investing wisely does not require more time or money. It is simply understanding that you are the boss of your money and that, more often than not, the broker-salesman you are relying on is making a commission to sell you things that might not be in your best interest. You might have been told that you don’t pay them a commission. However that doesn’t mean that they don’t earn a commission from the fund provider. Buy and forget about it stopped working in 2000 and will not work going forward. Some, but not all, of the biggest dangers right now lie in the areas that have been traditionally known as safe. I will be discussing all of this in a teleconference on August 3, 2017 (Thursday). You can call into (347) 215-7305 at noon ET (9 am PT), or listen back to the show 24/7 on demand at the link below. If you have questions feel free to email them to Heather now. July 31, 2017 is the last day to register for my boardroom Investor Educational Retreat at the lowest price. It is also the deadline day for raising the Debt Ceiling to ensure that the U.S. does not receive a credit downgrade. Join me at the October 13-15, 2017 Old West Retreat, and you will learn the easy-as-a-pie chart investing strategy that has worked fantastically through bull and bear markets and will work for you for the rest of your life. It is as simple as getting the ABCs of money that you should have received in high school. Does it pay off? Retreat attendees earned money during the Great Recession using the Natalie Pace system, while those around them lost half or more of their net worth. My 2009 Company of the Year earned up to 19X gains; my 2013 Company of the Year tripled, while the 2014 Company of the Year quadrupled! Two of the hot funds doubled last year. This is no accident, and it is not rocket science. It is a system that you need to learn in order to protect and grow your assets during the volatile economic times that we face now and in the decades to come, as we try to cycle through an unsustainable debt load. Do you have any idea how much of your nest egg is at risk and how much is safe from a downturn? Did your investments crash in 2008 and 2001? Have you had difficulty getting rich on the software you purchased or the program you signed up for? Are you still underwater on your home? Are you having trouble making ends meet, or contributing to your own retirement plan due to high bills or high debt? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you have a lot to gain by attending my Old West Retreat in October, and a lot to lose if you don’t. If you lost money in 2008 and haven’t made any changes to your plan, if you do not have a clue what holdings you have in your retirement plan, if you have a pattern of chasing or losing money, if you are relying on blind faith (and hope) in someone else to manage your money for you, whether you have $10,000 or $10 million invested in your account, you need to move heaven and earth to be at my retreat this October. Here is why. At the retreat, we will look at what is hot, what is not, and the danger zones that you need to avoid NOW before the retail implosion starts to spread into REITs and the general economy. You will learn how you can carefully (and easily) restructure your nest egg so that you are better protected against a downturn. You will learn sound, higher performing, less risky investment alternatives that could provide you with a great income and are not being offered by other pundits (largely because they can’t make money off of selling them to you). And you will learn which industries could be poised to soar above the rest, no matter what the market conditions are. I have been looking at a lot of purported “income-producing” portfolios, which are actually losing money now (in an up market!) and are extremely vulnerable to severe capital loss in the years ahead. Whether you are a Millennial or a Baby Boomer, there’s no reason to make everyone else rich at your own expense. Wisdom is the cure. A better strategy could deliver as much as ten times the ultimate wealth creation, income and security over your lifetime. It is not more money invested. It is simply getting more performance for the money that you work so hard to earn and invest. I have put together a 3-day process that is extremely unique, powerful and result certain. On Day One, we cover nest egg strategies. On Day 2, you learn what’s safe and how to get safe, including very low risk investments that can earn you thousands or tens of thousands annually with very low capital outlay. On Day 3, I open up my time-proven bag of tricks to teach you what’s hot and how to avoid the money pits. The rich are getting richer in America these days. You can join them because the Smart Get Richer, too. Now I have to stop for a minute and introduce the secret weapon that is going to make this work so well for you, not just in the moment, but now and forever in your everyday life. I’m not handing you a fish, and then forcing you to buy fish from me for the rest of your life. This is a hands-on conference, where I teach you how to fish. You will learn and do and practice, so that you walk out with a plan that works instantly and for the rest of your life. With seven billion people on the planet to protect, I’ll have my work cut out for my entire lifetime, without having to rely on making you dependent upon me. In truth, financial independence requires financial wisdom, and that is what I’m offering you. By the time you leave that room on the third day, you will no longer be the same person. I cannot promise you that you will make a billion dollars, but I can tell you that if you have enough capital in play and you invest with the foundation and strategies we will teach you, it is certainly possible. The one thing I will promise is that these three days will absolutely be the most enriching, the most important and the most valuable three days of your investment life, and that your results will be in direct proportion to the amount of effort you invest in learning and perfecting my strategies. As you can see from the testimonials below, the only thing people ever regret about my retreat is that they didn’t come sooner. Speaking of which, I am not charging the $5,000 or $10,000 that most investment training programs ask. I am not even charging half of that. I am creating a value-priced, valuable retreat where I can work deeply, intimately and personally with my most motivated, serious and ambitious retreat attendees. The information you will receive and experiences and opportunities you will enjoy are quite simply not available anywhere else – not in universities, other seminars or even your brokerage. If this resonates with you, register now by calling 310-430-2397 and speaking with Heather. I am holding a limited amount of rooms at a deliciously low rate for an Old West Inn that is surrounded by natural hot springs and healing waters. Mark your calendar right now and clear it for the dates October 13-15, 2017. The place is Thatcher, Arizona. You need this information now, especially given all of the economic pressures that we are facing. There is no downside to you attending my October retreat, outside of the costs of travel and the modest hotel. You do not want to miss this unique opportunity. You may never get the chance again to save, protect and nurture your nest egg. Comments are closed.
AuthorNatalie Pace is the co-creator of the Earth Gratitude Project and the author of The Power of 8 Billion: It's Up to Us, The ABCs of Money, The ABCs of Money for College, The Gratitude Game and Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is. She is a repeat guest & speaker on national news shows and stages. She has been ranked the No. 1 stock picker, above over 830 A-list pundits, by an independent tracking agency, and has been saving homes and nest eggs since 1999. Archives
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